

Symphony Hall to Be Scene of Forensic Battle of University Team to Debate New Jersey Law School November 4

F. W. Lorenzen '28, A. F. Reel '28, and Barrett Williams '28 will represent the University in the debate at Symphony Hall tomorrow night with the team touring the United States for the English National Union of Students. A debate in Newark, N. J., with the New Jersey Law School was also announced by D. E. Scoll '28, debate manager, for November 4, the night before the Pennsylvania football game. C. C. Alpern '28, J. L. Beauchamp Jr. '28, and J. M. Swigert '30, will travel to Newark.

The question to be debated at both meetings is: "Resolved, That the only effective attitude toward war is an uncompromising pacifism." The Hon. R. M. Washburn, president of the Roosevelt Club, will preside at Symphony Hall.

The wit of the English teams has won for them a majority of decisions in the past, and the team this year is chosen from the students of all the English Universities, instead of from the undergraduates of one university. In the face of this opposition the University team has been working especially hard to polish off its style in prepartaion for the forensic battle.

Following the final trials in Symphony Hall last night, D. L. Dickson '26, W. A. Pallme '25, and R. P. Berle '19, who have been connected with debating at the University in the past, talked with the team, and told the members of former clashes with English teams. Berle coached the Harvard team that met the first Oxford team to tour this country in 1920. The former debaters also criticised the case as presented by the speakers.
