To the Editor of the CRIMSON.
I read in the Boston Transcript the reprint of your editorial about the music at the Harvard-Holy Cross Game, and I want very strongly to congratulate you on speaking so forcefully, frankly and truthfully as you have.
The article in the Transcript is headed "Dirty Music." I would hardly call it that. "A Lack of Courtesy" would seem to me to be more truthful.
And it is not merely in our band music and in a failure to form the letter and play the music of the opposing college that we show a lack of courtesy, but I feel also in singing Yale songs when we are playing Holy Cross, for instance, we are using a "high hat" procedure which is a grave discourtesy.
I know of no other college--though there may be--that comes to Harvard and sings songs about their wishing to beat some other College!
On all sides I find people, I am sorry to say, against Harvard because they think she is so "stuck up", and I feel that in our lack of proper, recognition of our opposing Colleges in our Band music and in our songs gives a real basis for this feeling.
I wish too you would write a stirring editorial on our cheers. We have over and over again the same heavy un-Collegey cheer. "Yes, Harvard is too dignified to have a peppy cheer" I hear people say. Other Colleges certainly show far more the spirit of jolly College students and put more zest and snap in their cheering.
We may not be able to win in football, but certainly in our Band music, our singing, and our cheering, we ought to win a larger measure of approbation from those attending the games. Delcevare King '95.
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