Professor Eric R. D. Maclagan, Director and secretary of the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, the second incumbent of the Charles Eliot Norton Chair of Poetry, will begin his course of ten lectures on Italian Sculpture on November 2, it has recently been announced.
Professor Maclagan succeeds Professor Gilbert Murray of Oxford, who last year treated "The Classical Tradition in English Poetry." The holders of the chair, which was founded two years ago by the late C. C. Stillman '98, are not confined to literary forms of poetry alone, but may deal with music, painting, architecture or sculpture.
The lectures by Professor Maclagan, which will be held in the large Lecture Hall of the new Fogg Museum, will be supplemented by individual conferences with students working on various forms of poetry; and possibly by a seminar for graduate students in the second half-year.
The list of the lectures, which are to be given at 8 o'clock in the evening and to be open to the public, is as follows:
November 2--"The Approach to Italian Sculpture."
November 9--"Romanesque Sculpture and the Pisani."
November 16--"Andrea Pisano, Jacopo della Quercla, and Ghiberti."
November 30--"Donatello."
December 7--"Luca della Robbia and his school."
February 8--The Fifteenth Century in Florence."
February 15--"Verrocchio and the Sculptors of North Italy."
February 29--"Michael Angelo."
March 7--"The Sixteenth Century."
March 14--"Bernini and the Sixteenth Cenaury."
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