Playing the third game on its schedule the University soccer team will meet Amherst on Soldiers Field this afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. At the same time the Freshman booters will travel to Marion to play their first game with Tabor Academy.
Coach John Kershaw has made several changes in the University line-up. Captain J. F. Carr '28 will start as center halfback instead of right halfback while W. D. Vogel '30 takes the place of H. C. Haskell '28 at outside right. N. R. Danielian '28 will resume his old place at inside right, left vacant by the shift of Vogel to outside right and Bernard Barnes '30, who has been pressing for a place on the team, will start at right halfback today. Durk Bodde '30 has been entered at inside left.
The Freshmen will meet a strong opponent at Marion. Tabor Academy was defeated by the first year men last year, and the Freshmen are favored to take the encounter this afternoon.
The University line-up is as follows: Henry, g.; Stollmeyer, l.f.b.; Clark, r.f.h.; Ryan, l.h.b.; Carr, c.h.b.; Barnes, r.h.b.; Kerness, c.; Driggs, l.o.f.; Bodde, l.i.f.; Vogel, Haskell, r.o.f.; Danielian, r.i.f.
The Freshman line-up follows:
Fayde, g.; Des Roches, l.f.b.; Smith, r.f.b.; Roland, l.h.b.; Bland, c.h.b.; Tothan, Sargent, r.h.b.; Carrigan, Northey, c.; Lay, Carroll, l.o.f.; Carter, W. D., l.i.f.; Carter, E. F., r.o.f.; Grover, r.i.f.
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