

Present and Former Crimson Players to Engage in Series of Tilts--Five Men Lost to University Team

Friday afternoon tilts with a team of graduates form the central feature of the fall practice schedule for the University lacrosse team, now working out daily under the direction of Coach Talbot. A former Crimson captain and a former coach are included in the aggregation of alumni which is to provide the opposition for the University outfit.

Paul Gustafson '12, who was coach of the University team two years after his graduation, is one of the leading players on the alumni twelve. A. E. Reed '26, captain in his senior year, W. W. Babson '26, R. F. Murphy '27, Joseph Sullivan '26, and W. E. Westman '22 are among the other alumni, for the most part students in the Gradlate Schools, who do fighting togs once a week.

Five valuable players were lost to the University team through graduation last year, especially damaging the defense. Captain J. H. Lane '28, at second defense, and H. L. Ellsion '28, a two-year veteran, at goal, will form the backbone of the University defense this year.

J. C. Dreier '28 is playing his third year at second attack, while H. J. Wallace '28 will be at outside home for the third season. J. M. Murphy '29 at inside right, and E. J. Hermon '28, at first defense, are other promising players whom Coach Talbot has for the fall season.
