

Pool, Chase, Youngman and Schwarz to Suggest Changes--Pass on 1928 Class Baseball Awards

At the first meeting of the year of the Student Council held last night it was announced by C. H. Pforzhelmer '28, chairman of the Budget Committee, that the total amount which up to the present has been paid on the Budget has reached the $6059 mark. The balance of the $12,000 which was set as a goal for the budget is pledged to be paid by November 30. This sum is to be divided among the organizations which before the institution of the budget system regularly solicited independently, in addition to which portions will be given to the various classes, and certain sums will be used to pay for sundry expenses incurred by the Student Council. John Watts '28, and C. H. Pforzheimer '28 were appointed to report as to the best solution of handling class expenses.

A committee consisting of J. L. Pool '28, chairman, and J. P. Chase '28, H. F. Schwarz '29 and W. S. Youngman '29 was appointed to investigate the present institution of the Student Council and to suggest the revision of certain portions of it. The members of this committee will welcome any suggestions from members of the undergraduate body.

It was, in addition, approved that the four chairmen of the Freshman Dormitory Committees should form, with A. E. French '29, Student Council Member in Charge of Freshman Affairs, a committee which shall take charge of the regulation of various Freshman activities.

Finally, the Council passed on the awarding of numerals to the class of 1928 baseball team which played against the Yale champion baseball team last spring.
