The University wrestling season will get under way next Wednesday night when the Crimson grapplers meet the Columbia University team at Hemenway Gymnasium, at 8 o'clock.
Coach W. E. Lewis is putting his matmen through the final varsity trials this afternoon. The men coming out on top in these trials will form the team which sees action against Columbia next Wednesday.
Prospects Rosy
Prospects for a successful season seem very bright, Coach Lewis announced. There are quite a few letter men back who are expected to form the nucleus of a strong team. In the 115 pound class B. C. Turner '27, who was undefeated last year and in addition won the New England Intercollegiate championship, is expected to repeat this year. Other University matmen of last year are C. C. Corson '28 in the 145 pound class, Captain H. R. Wood '27 in the 158 pound class, T. D. Howe '28 in the 175 pound class, and S. S. Wilson '28 in the unlimited class.
In the 145 pound class Joseph Lifrac '29, captain of last year's Freshman team, is expected to make a formidable bid for varsity honors in tomorrow's finals.
The trials will be held in Hemenway Gymnasium this afternoon from three o'clock on. Due to the great number of matches to be run off, two or more will be going on at the same time. Plenty of action is promised.
This afternoon the Freshman Interdormitory wrestling finals will also take place at Hemenway. Every class has been narrowed down until it contains one man from Smith, Gore, Standish, and Mokinlock Halls. The winners in the Interdormitory finals, are the logical men for the Freshman team.
The Freshman wrestling season opens next Saturday, January 15, when the Harvard Freshmen meet the M.I.T. the men at the Hemenway Gymnasium.
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