Margery, Boston's most talented medium, has let it be known that she has discovered finger prints of "Walter", her spirit control. Although "Walter" died without leaving any finger prints to use as comparison the marks are undoubtedly authentic, according to Dr. Crandon, the husband of the psychic lady. At the same time, he says, was heard the ticking of a celestial clock, and perfume, from heavenly sources, was smelt in the air.
It is strange then spirits are reduced to such phenomena as these to leave word that they have called on their friends. In this case, however, "Walter", was evidently making a social visit and nothing score. He brought flowers, and therefore waited for some time before he made up his mind that there was no one at home, at last, pulling out his ghostly watch--the clock idea is absurd--he went reluctantly away, slipping his fingerprint under the door.
Why has so little progress been made in spirit communication since the Fox sisters first mystified the world by snapping the joints in their toes? Radio broadcasting, in the last twenty years, has advanced to the stage of a loudspeaker in every home; but spirits are still forced to knock timidly on tables and moan through tin trumpets as they have always done. The interest of such clever men as Lodge and Conan-Doyle has been useless. Something must be done about it. The American people will not stand for poor service and antiquated equipment.
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