Winslow Carlton of New York City.
Charles McKim Norton of New York City.
John Tudor of Boston.
Albert Goodwill Churchill of Santiago, California.
Forrester Andrew Clark of Boston.
Thomas Grant Moore of St. Louis, Missouri.
Bronson Winthrop Griscom of Syosset, New York.
James Lawrence Jr. of Hyde Park.
William Sterling Youngman Jr. of Brookline.
This list of nominees for officers of the Sophomore class was announced last night by A. E. French '29, president of the class. Additional nominations may be made by petitions signed by 25 members of the class, and handed in to French before 12 o'clock noon on Wednesday. No nominations will be accepted after that time.
Board Meets Today
At 11.30 o'clock this afternoon the Executive Board of the Class of 1929 will meet in Straus 27 to complete the final arrangements for the election. This Board consists of A. E. French Jr., K. D. Robinson, H. S. Crosby, A. S. Churchill, R. A. Stout, W. S. Youngman, John de Laittre, G. P. Davis, John Tudor, E. W. Sexton, C. McK. Norton, and Winslow Carlton.
Shortly after the close of the nominations, ballots will be sent to all Sophomores. These must be checked and returned to the Committee immediately.
The new officers will assume their duties immediately after the election. Their first task will be to organize the Sophomore Smoker, which will take place some time in February.
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