
Chaffee Lectures in Boston

Dr. E. L. Chaffee, Associate Professor of Physics at Harvard, is giving under the auspices of the Lowell Institute, Boston, a series of free public lectures on "Electric Waves," with experimental demonstrations. The lectures are given in Huntington Hall, 491 Boylston Street, Boston, at 8 o'clock, on Monday and Thursday evenings. Two of the lectures have already been given; the dates and subjects of the remaining lectures in the series are

January 10--"Infra-Red Light. Ultra-Violet Light. Fluorescence. Phosphorescence."

January 13--"Interference of Light Waves. Diffraction. Polarized Light."

January 17--"X-Rays. Cosmic Rays. Hertzian Waves."

January 20--"Radio Waves. Propagation of Radio Waves Fading Short Waves."
