The Senior Dormitory Committee is holding office hours at the Lampoon Building daily from two to three o'clock, and will give out any desired information concerning rooms for next year's Senior class.
Those applying for rooms should waste no time in obtaining their application blanks and envelopes from the Bursar's Office.
All applications must be handed in by January 14.
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JUNIOR ROOM APPLICANTSContrary to an erroneous announcement, no notification has been mailed to those Juniors who lost out in the draw for
JUNIORSThe Senior Dormitory Committee is holding office hours at the Lampoon Building daily from two to three o'clock, and will
1927 DORMITORY COMMITTEEThe Senior Dormitory Committee is holding office hours at the Lampoon Building daily from 2 to 3 o'clock, and will
JUNIORSAll men who entered College with the class of 1929 or will be candidates for their degrees with the class
JUNIORS WARNED TO TURN IN ASSIGNMENT CARDS AT ONCEAll men who were assigned rooms in the Senior Dormitories in the recent draw should apply for their assignment cards