

Battery A Horsemen Blanked by Score of 11 1-2 to 0-Cotton, Clark, and Gibb Strong Combination

The University Polo team took the lead in the division B indoor series when it shut out Battery A by an 11 1/2 to 0 score on Saturday night. The Crimson horsemen completely outclassed the can-oneers, showing a marked superiority in team work and shooting.

The Harvard horsemen were better mounted than the gunners, although then ponies had only a week of training. They stood the strain of hard riding well, end were very quick in executing the short turns necessary in the cramped arena.

J. P. Cotton '29, riding in number 2 position, was the high scorer with six tallies to his credit. F. A. Clarke '29 was the big stick for the Crimson. He was the hardest rider on the field, drove four shots between the marks, and passed five times to his teammates for successful tallies. Robert Gibb '29, playing in place of W. H. White '28 who was taken sick, scored three times.

The Crimson riders continued to shower the Canoneers' goal throughout the remaining periods, exhibiting a fast passing game and hard shooting.

The summary follows: Harvard  Battery A Gibb No. 1.  No. 1. Graves Cotton No. 2.  No. 2. Hopkins Clark back  back Sands


Score--Harvard 11 1/2. Goals--Cotton, 6, Clark, 4; Gibb, 3. Penalties, loss of half-point each--Gibb, Cotton, Clark, Time--Six 5 minute chukkers. Referee--Major J. B. Wogan.
