

Program to Take Place During Week of Beethoven Festival - Singers to Perform February 17 Also

The peak of the Harvard Glee Club's season will come during the week of March 22 to 29 when they sing the famous Beethoven mass, Missasolemnis" in conjunction with the Radcliffe Choral Society at Symphony Hall. These two performances will be the Glee Club's contribution to the Beethoven festival held under the auspices of the Boston Symphony Orchestra Association that week.

The Beethoven mass will be the most difficult piece of work ever attempted by an undergraduate singing organization, and the most ambitious of the Glee Club's vocal representations.

Joint Rehersals Weekly

In preparation for the mass the Glee Club has been doing choral work with the Boston Symphony Orchestra and the Radcliffe Choral Society, the latter under the direction of G. W. Woodworth '24. The organizations, consisting of over 500 members, meet every Monday night in Paine Hall for joint rehearsals. In the middle of Marsh 300 of these signers will be chosen to sing during the festival, in the two performances, on the Symphony Hall stage.

A. T. Davison '06, director of the Harvard Glee Club, is conducting these rehearsals. Serge Koussevitzky, conductor of the Boston Symphony Orchestra, will lead the united members of the Harvard Glee Club, the Radcliffe Choral, and the Boston Symphony Orchestra at the two performances.


Third Year of Ninth Symphony

The "Missasolemnis" is a formal church piece taking an entire evening for its presentations. Its chief difficulty lies in its notes which are rendered in the upper registers of the voice. This is the year that the Glee Club has presented the "Ninth Symphony" it being given last year with Brahmn's "Requiem."

Manager P. E. Lawrence '27 further announced that the Glee Club is now preparing for its second concert of its annual series to be given February 17 at Symphony Hall The assistant soloist at this performance will be Dusolina Giannini, famous soprano. Giannni has just returned from a successful tour abroad and will make her Glee Club. Dr. Davison will conduct the performance.

On Monday afternoon, February 14, the Glee Club will give its annual concert for high school students of greater Boston at Symphony Hall. These concerts are brought about through the cooperation of the headmasters of the schools, the superintendent of schools, and the management of the theatre.
