Eleven hundred and forty-eight men have been physically examined this year, it is shown by statistics on the Freshman physical examinations, released last night by Dr. A. Worcester '78, Professor of Hygiene, in the University.
Of this number 842 were Freshmen, 74 provisional students, 26 re-examinations, and 205 graduate school men.
The Freshman statistics show a drop of 101 men in comparison with the report of last year when 935 Freshmen and provisional men were examined.
The report also states that this year is the first time that X-rays have been taken. Of the 834 chest X-rays taken, only 36 revealed any infirmity at all and these were nothing serious. All abnormalities will be followed up, it was announced.
Silhouetteographs Taken
Silhouetteographs also were taken for the first time this year in order that all defects of posture might be corrected. The postures of the different men were graded alphabetically, there being only 35 A's, 300 B's 375 C's and 124 D's. These figures show a slight improvement over 1929 statistics.
On the whole there is very little variance from last year's statistics. In the class of 1927, nine and sixth-tenths percent of the men had had their appendixes removed while this year the percentage of the first year class is nine and one-tenth percent. Nose-throat operations have increased from 59 percent in the 1929 class to 62 percent in the Freshman class. There is still an increase in typhoid inoculations, the percentage increasing from 26.5 percent last year to 30.6 percent this year.
More men smoke in the class of 1929 than in the Freshman class. 362 Sophomores smoke while only 294 Freshmen use tobacco. This is a decrease of four percent.
Eleven Freshmen are color blind, 91 are unable to swim, and 297 wear glasses. A distinction is made, however, between men who wear glasses constantly, for reading, and for distance vision. The latter number 294, doubling the number who wear them constantly.
Seventy-seven 1930 men have had their appendices removed 21 have had their adenoids taken out, and 32 have never been vaccinated.
There are 30 men in the class of 1930 who have had their adenoids partially removed. Eleven men have poor teeth, and 46 men have albuminura.
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