
Submitted as Evidence


Oft do the Academic grooves echo the charge that Catholic colleges are dogmatically prejudiced in their handling of new scientific discoveries and theories. Professors in these institutions, the charge continues, whose duty it is to truly illumine the mind of the knowledge-seeking youth, avoid the unbiased truth as they would a plague. An honest examination of a representative Catholic college curriculum will dissipate even so hoary an opinion in the mind of the honest seeker of truth. It is well, however, at times to be rallied out of our smugness and take the field aggressively against our talkative foe and Holy Cross certainly, initiated the offensive since stilly when on cast Wednesday evening the Department of Biology conducted a lively debate on the problem of Organic Evolution. This intellectually connected a lively debate on the problem of Organic Evolution. This intellectually conducted argument in which the "pros" and "antis" of the question were permitted the utmost academic freedom in the presentation of their respective sides constitutes a ringing refutation to the cry of "obscurantism." Each team had its day in court, and the defenders of Organic Evolution were awarded the decision by a two to one vote of the judges. There are many colleges crying "wolf" in which this display of academic freedom would never have been countenanced. Holy Cross Tomahawk
