

Professors Will Act as Justices in Arguments Next Month

After four months of qualifying rounds in the Ames competition for second year Harvard Law School Clubs only eight of the 48 clubs which were left in the competition at the end of the first year survive. They are the Scott and Chaffee Clubs, the Holmes and Sanford Clubs, the Harlen and Bryce-Powell, and the Beale and Pound Clubs.

This year's final for the second year clubs will be held on four consecutive days, February 7, 8, 9, and 10 at Langdell Hall. This will leave four clubs for the semifinals of the third year competition when two clubs which will compete in the finals are chosen.

One Harvard Law School professor and two lawyers from Boston will comprise the judges in each of the coming debates. Professor J. H. Beale '82 will preside when the Scott and Chaffee Clubs meet: Professor Calvert Magruder over the Holmes and Sanford debate; Professor E. M. Morgan '03 over the Harlen and Bryce-Powell debate, and Assistant Professor J. M. Landis over the Beale-Pound argument.
