First place in the annual competition for the prize of 3150 offered by the Boston Society of Architecture to the students of the Schools of Architecture of Harvard, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the Boston Architectural Club, was awarded yesterday to Olaf Stavsing Fjelde 1S.A. of Fargo, North Dakota, a graduate of the University of Minnesota.
This makes the fourth year that Harvard has won the competition of the Boston Society of Architects, but it is the first time that one man has received the award. Heretofore it has been divided among two or more competitors whose submitted drawings were considered of equal merit.
63 submit drawings
Sixty-three men submitted drawings to the Society on January 22, having been allowed 19 days in which to prepare them. There were eight students of the Harvard School of Architecture in the contest.
The problem issued for the competition follows:
In a national Theatre to be erected in Washington there is a vaulted lobby at the end of which is a grand stairway leading to the promenade on each side at the First Balcony level.
This promenade is arranged about the Lobby except on the stairway end which is blank. This unpierced wall may, however, be formed in any manner the treatment requires to serve as a memorial to those men and women of the theatrical profession, and there were many of them, who gave their lives for the country, in the Great War.
The treatment of the end of the lobby is the subject of this problem. It should be suited to the building and its purpose It is expected to constitute a most exceptional and rare work of art. It may be in any material or form, lighted in any manner desired, except that the Lobby has no light.
Fjelde's drawing was judged the most artistic and practical of the many submitted.
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