Mr. Manter Hall
Manter Hall School
Holyoke St.
Cambridge, Mass.
Dear Sir:
If you think I am coming up to your place to be tutored for the coming examinations you are very much mistaken! In the mail this morning, every single member of a certain class of which I am a member except myself received from your institution of hire learning a circular letter advising him that a review in that subject would be held at a specified time this week. Incidentally, the letter also urgently advised the gentlemen to take advantage of this offer or they would live to regret it, but that after all is neither here nor there. The point at issue is that I am deeply insulted and mortified that my name is not on the register of those fit to be invited to parties of that nature, and intend to show you that I deeply resent your discourtesy. Why, I wouldn't think of going now! Not if you sent every darned instructor in the institution to me in person. I won't go near the place, and I hope your old party is a total failure, and everybody is sorry they went and nobody has a good time! Now I've said my say, and I don't care how much you try to plead with met I'm going to stay at home while you are holding forth, and am going to cover the ground myself. I wouldn't even think of trying to crash; it isn't worth it, and besides I know I can get along just as well by myself.
Hoping that you spot all the wrong questions, and that some day you learn what good manners are. Yours in offended innocence, G. McK. STANDISH SMITH '30.
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