Tonight will find two University outfits in action, one attempting to check an invasion in Hemenway while the other seeks the M. I. T. scalp at Technology. In Hemenway Gymnasium the basket ball quintet takes the floor against Worcester at 8 o'clock. At the same time Turner of Harvard will be pitting skill and muscle against his Engineer opponent, Cullen, in the 115-pound event which is the initial match of the wrestling meet at M. I. T. Basketmen are Favored Coach Wachter's basket-ball tossers are considered an easy victory in the home game. In the Dorn-Barbee-Leekley combination the team presents a smooth-working threat to the Worcester defense. These three men carried the Crimson attack in the recent Clark encounter and their teamwork contributed considerably to the final 34 to 14 score of that game. M. N. Green '28, star center, has recovered from his injured ankle and will be seen in action tonight as Barbee's substitute. The latter will no doubt be switched for a while to the left guard position, having showed versatility in holding down either birth. French Stumps McCurdy J. R. McCurdy 28, veteran center, failed to pass his French reading exam and will not be eligible for the rest of the season, Coach Wachter stated last night. Things do not look so good for the University matmen. M. I. T. is fresh from her 19-8 victory over Tufts, a contact in which she gained two falls and three decisions. Harris the 145-pound Technology star is a threat which only Lifrak injured star of the Columbia meet, could ward off. The rugged little grappler is disabled with a strained shoulder muscle which puts him on the shelf tonight. The shifting of B. C. Turner '27, who lost to Simmons of Columbia by a fall in the 125 pound event, back to his original 118 pound class will strengthen the team considerably. Turner was undefeated in the 118 weight last year, and should be a dangerous adversary for his Technology rival tonight. Captain H. R. Wood '27 in the 150-pound event, T. D. Howe '28 in the 173-pound. S. S. Wilson '28, unlimited weight, will be the main support of the Crimson grapplers, Tech being weakest in their events.
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