

But Names May be Added by Petition--Committee Will Issue List of Its Nominees February 8

The election of Freshman class officers will take place on Tuesday, February 15, it was announced last night by the Student Council Committee on Freshman Activities.

Nominations will be announced on Tuesday, February 8. Three nominees will be made for each office, president, vice-president, and secretary-treasurer, by the Student Council Committee and then the nominations will be thrown open to the class. A signed petition of 25 names will be sufficient to add a name to the Student Council's list.

Preferential Ballot to be Used

The vote will be carried on as usual with the preferential type of ballot. Voters must designate in the space opposite the candidates names on the ballot their first, second, third, and in the case of addition their consecutive choices. Every candidate for office must be voted on or the ballots will be thrown out. Signatures will be required on the ballots but will be regarded as confidential.

Polls will be open on February 15 in Sever Hall until 10 o'clock. From 12 until 2 o'clock and from 6 until 7 o'clock they will be open in Smith Standish. Gore, and McKinlock, the four Freshman dormitories. Members of the Sophomore class will be appointed as poll watchers.
