

Inhabitants Hold It Their Duty to Keep Island for Europeans--Climate Like California

"The British Dominions beyond the seas have in the past few months effected a peaceful Declaration of Independence, and from now on will probably regard themselves as being politically on a footing of equality with the United States of America," said Dr. Elton Mayo, Associate Professor of Industrial Research in the Harvard Business School, to a CRIMSON reporter last night.

Dr. Mayo has just returned from Australia where he has been carrying on his investigations. "In Australia," he continued, "this change will have important consequences especially, for geographical remoteness and economic necessity must inevitably result in an ultimate development closely similar to that of the United States, Europeans, by circumstance and training, are unfitted to understand what this means; there should be no such difficulty for Americans. Australians therefore are entitled to hope that in the immediate future America will come to know more of Australia. The Pacific Ocean and its many problems lie between these two civilizations."

Geographical position chief problem

When questioned concerning the political situation of Australia, Dr. Mayo replied that the chief problem which afflicts Australia is occasioned by her geographical position.

"Australia," he said, "is a large employ continent with a population of under six million. To the immediate North and West there are over eight hundred million Islanders and Asiatics. Australians, rightly or wrongly, have conceived it to be their duty to hold Australia for the white races. They have been led to this not only by knowledge of the former problems of the carly Australian settler, but also by considerations of the present racial problems of South Africa and the United States. This has led to the much discussed "White Australia" policy. This is the one question on which the various Australian political problems seem to be unanimous."


Climate like California

"It is," explained Dr. Mayo, "an island continent, in area slightly larger than the United States. It lies between the tenth and fortieth parallels of latitude, south of the equator: Tasmania; the sixth state, is an island south of forty. The whole continent is rather warmer than the United States, approximately one-third of the northern part within the tropics. The climate may be compared with that of California; sunny weather predominates and except in Tasmania and the mountains snow is practically unknown.

"The population of Australia is under six million, the greater proportion being resident in or about the six capital cities. There are six universities, one in each of these cities. The largest is the University of Sydney, the two smallest are the Universities of West Australia and Tasmania. Australians lead an open air life: games are possible the year round. The most popular sports are cricket, tennis and football. In the two former Australia has for many years disputed the world's supremacy.
