What is alluded to as "a direct thrust at the drinking situation" has been made by the authorities of Williams College in requiring a pledge from every member of each fraternity to obey "The laws of the college, the state and the land" before permission is granted for the annual house parties and festivities. It is reported that most of the fraternities are in favor of rejecting the requirement, which may result in the abandoning of some of the usual functions next month. This action of the Williams faculty is undoubtedly motivated by a conscientious desire to remove an existing evil. But no matter how earnest its endeavor, the faculty can never accomplish its purpose without the cooperation of the students themselves. A pledge of the sort required can do little good by itself. Those sincere enough to refuse such a promise will lose their party, but drinking will not be decreased. Those who accept it without compliance with its spirit will in all probability be able to find loopholes by whch they will be able to maintain their pledged word without serious detriment to their enjoyment. The only cases where a pledge to "obey law" will accomplish its purpose will be among those who are willing to cooperate in all particulars with the spirit of the faculty's policy. Until the mass of student opinion conforms with his last category, no authoritative pressure can successfully uproot drinking in college, and the fact that a pledge is considered necessary is witness that such is not the case at present. College authorities may point the way, but only united student action can solve undergraduate problems. It remains to be seen what action the students of Williams will take.
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