Seven members of each class squash squad have been chosen following a ladder tournament. The first matches will start this afternoon, when the Senior and start this afternoon, when the senior and Junior racquet men, and the 1929 and 1930 players clash. Four days will be allowed for playing off each match.
The following men have been chosen to represent their respective classes;
Senior team: Shiras Morris Jr., Sidney Singer, F. M. Stern, E. M. Weld, E. S. Stimpson, G. O. Kingsbury, J. H. Harwood.
Junior team: S. T. Francis, Eriund Field, Talmadge Woodwend, W. G. Saltonstall, R. H. Sanger, W. R. Huntington, H. N. Higenbotham.
Sophomore Squad: R. H. Tilt, Stanley Myers, B. H. Whitbeck, Lovett Morse, P. H. Rhinelander, W. W. Neff, S. N. Maniere.
Freshman team: E. J. Ward, R. F. Barbour, P. H. Clark, C. N. Russell, O. P. Murphy, R. C. Dana, George Hodges.
The schedule of the matches follows
January 15 to 19: 1927 and 1928, 1929 and 1930.
February 7 to 11: 1927 and 1930, 1928 and 1929.
February 12 to 18: 1927 and 1923, 1928 and 1930.
February 17 to 21: 1927 and 1928, 1929 and 1930.
February 22 to 26: 1927 and 1930, 1928 and 1929.
February 28 to March : 1927 and 1925, 1928 and 1930.
The draws for the University tournament and the Law, Graduate, and Business School tournaments have been posted at the courts. The first two rounds of each must be played off by Saturday night.
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