

Also Approves Completed List of 1930 Encounters on Board Track

The committee on the Regulation of Athletic Sports has recently approved the University and Freshman fencing schedules for this season and also the University and 1930 polo schedules.

The feature of the polo schedule is a contest with Yale in Cambridge for both the Freshmen and University on January 15. Another is fixed for New Haven on Washington's Birthday, February 22.

Following are the fencing and polo schedules, and also the list of 1930 indoor track encounters.

University fencing--Feb. 12, Boston University; 19, Bowdoin; 26, U. S. Military Academy at West Point; March 4, Syracuse; 5, J. Sanford Saltus Club; 12, University of Pennsylvania; 18-19, Yale, Dartmouth, M. I. T. and Columbia at New York; April 1 and 2, Intercollegiates at New York.

Freshman fencing--Feb. 12, M. I. T. 19, English High School; March 2, High School of Commerce; 12, Andover; 26, Yale at New Haven.


University Polo--Jan. 15, Yale at Commonwealth Armory; Feb. 5, Army at West Point; 22, Yale at New Haven.

Freshman Polo--Feb. 19, Yale at Commonwealth Armery; March 5, Yale at New Haven.

Freshman Track--Jan. 22, K. of C. meet; Feb. 5. B. A. A. meet; 12, Andover at Andover; 22, American Legion games; 26. Harvard-Dartmouth-Cornell meet; March 5, Intercollegiate meet relay.
