

Hardy and Lane of Dartmouth Strong Combination--Chase Will be Back in Action for Crimson

Facing Dartmouth's formidable hockey team tomorrow night at the Arena, the Crimson ice squad will go through its liar pre-game workout this afternoon.

Fresh from the battles with its Canadian foes and its Notre Dame victory, the University sextet will face off against a strong Green outfit which has up to this time played five games, winning four of them. Dartmouth has defeated Williams in three out of four games played at Lake Placid. Williams won the last last game of the series by a score of 4 to 1.

Beat Tigers After Trailing

Just after the Christmas recess the Green sextet defeated Princeton at Madison Square Garden by a margin of 7 to 2. The Hanoverians trailed at the end of the first period, but came back with a rush to win.

The Dartmouth team is led by Captain Hardy, veteran of last year's outfit who, with Lane, another veteran, constitutes the defense. Both of these men are of last year's football team and have proved a formidable barrier to their opposition's attack. Lane is a fast and fearless skater and brilliant with his stickwork.


Three 1929 Men to Start

The goal tenders, Shermon and Bolt, are both Sophomores. Shea at center and Rogers in a forward berth are also stars from last year's Freshman sextet. The other forward, Gardner, is a Senior and was a substitute on last year's Green University ice squad.

Against the Dartmouth skaters Captain Ellison will lead a combination which proved its worth against Notre Dame in last Friday night's Arena game. Hamlen, Chase and Gross will comprise a triple threat to the strong Green defense. Chase, who was given a night off during the invasion of Notre Dame, will be back in his regular center berth tomorrow night.

Many Big Defense Men

The husky Dartmouth defense will be matched by an equally powerful secondary line. Captain Ellison and Clark, the starters, are heavy and rugged, while Coady, Howard, and Stanley, alternate defense men, carry plenty of weight and strength. Stanley has seen service as a wing in the last two games: he is not quite as hard checking as his fellow defense men and is a fast skater and an excellent shot.

The second line, composed of Tudor, Scott, and Zarakov is the strongest Harvard scoring combination. Scott scored three goals against Notre Dame and Tudor made a like number against Toronto in the first encounter with the Canadian champions.

Tomorrow night's game will be the first of a two-game series. Dartmouth will meet Harvard at the Arena again on February 28. Last year at about the same date, the Crimson beat the Hanover team 3 to 2 in a thrilling and even contest, a real by Gross clinching the encounter. Most of Harvard's players in that game will be back in action tomorrow, which seems to give Harvard the edge, but last year's Dartmouth Freshman sextet was unusually strong, and has contributed several stars to this winter's team.

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