

Psychology of Sensation to Be Given by Boring--Psychology Courses for Graduates Shifted

A number of new courses as well as several changes in courses given in previous years have been announced by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and will be offered during the present academic year.

The most striking innovation is a course in Naval Science and Tactics, never before given in the College. The first year will be open to Freshmen, and the course as a whole will form a portion of the training of the Naval Reserve Officers Corps. The work will be conducted by Commander Rice and Commander Stewart, both of the United States Navy.

Physics D, another new course, is intended to give a general survey of Physics as a part of a liberal education, rather than to prepare a student for technical work. In doing this it follows closely in the path pointed out by the reorganization of Biology 1, announced last Spring. Physics C has been reconstructed, and is for students who expect to continue their work in scientific subjects.

A course, Fine Arts 17, dealing with problems in Chinese and Japanese Art will be given primarily for graduate students during the first half year by Langdon Warner '03, Fellow of the Fogg Art Museum for Research in Asia. Mr. Warner has recently returned from a collecting trip in Asia where he made a number of significant finds.

Another course given in the first half year, English 78, dealing with the Historical and Intellectual Background of English Literature, will be conducted for the first time by Assistant Professor E. A. Whitney '17. There will also be lectures by Professors C. N. Greenough '98, C. N. Haskins '99, R. B. Merriman '96, and K. B. Murdock '16.


English B, a course in fundamentals of public speaking, will be given as a half course in either half year by Professor N. C. Maynard of Tufts College. English B will count towards the degree.

Another visiting lecturer, Professor W. L. Langer '15, of Clark University, will this year give two half courses open to undergraduates. One of these, on Continental Europe from 1815 to 1871, was formerly given by Professor R. H. Lord '06, this year on a leave of absence. The other, primarily for graduates, on Problems in the History of Continental Europe from 1870 to 1914, was previously conducted by Professor A. C. Coolidge '87.

In the department of Psychology, there has been a rearrangement of certain courses for graduates, and a new course, Psychology 32, dealing with the Psychology of Sensation, will be given during the first half year by Associate Professor E. C. Boring.
