With a preliminary gathering tonight of men interested in becoming candidates of the CRIMSON, the University daily launches its first competition of the year in four departments. The meeting will take place in the president's office of the CRIMSON Building at 7 o'clock.
Two classes are eligible at this time Juniors may compete for the Editorial Board, and Sophomores may enter competitions in the News, Business, or Photographic Departments. Previous experience is unnecessary. The only qualification imposed is that candidates must be in good standing academically.
Field Explains Work
After a short talk outlining the general nature of the competitions, by F. V. Field '27, president of the CRIMSON, candidates will be turned over for preliminary instruction to the head of each department. Active work will begin tomorrow.
News candidates will be occupied with writing of various kinds. Besides the terse, vigorous style required in producing news stories, there will be ample opportunity for more creative writing. The special articles, feature writing, and interviews with illustrous persons, which comprise a large part of the work, all hang for their success upon individual talent and personal idiom. The training is beneficial not only in developing writing ability, but also in forming habits of rapid, accurate expression.
Daily Editorials Expected
Competition in the Editorial Department implies a good literary style and an ability for lucid expression within limited space. Candidates will be expected to write editorials daily on topics connected with the University, or on subjects of humorous or political interest.
Candidates for the Photographic Department will become experts in all branches of general photography. Beginning with simple instruction in taking pictures, they will proceed from matters of background and composition to the science of successful development and printing. Modern Graflex cameras will be furnished by the department. While experience is by no means a sine gua non, elementary knowledge of photography is helpful.
Business Men Garner Ads
Aspirants to the Business Board will find that their duties consist principally of soliciting advertisements. A small account of office work is also required The business experience gained has been declared by former editors to be highly practical and beneficial after college.
The competitions will last for approximately 11 weeks. The news competition will close during the week of November 28.
The competitions are avowedly arduous, but the work is at most times congenial. To the CRIMSON candidate comes the thrill of seeing his handiwork in print and of filling a responsible part in a constantly moving organization. Responsibility increases with advancement on the CRIMSON and as a candidate advances in position, his ideas and originality are more and more counted on and developed.
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