

Candidates to Answer Casey's Call This Afternoon--Equipment to Be Issued Before Meeting

The Freshman football, season will swing under way this afternoon when head coach E. L. Casey '19 will meet all 1930 gridiron aspirants in the Locker Building at 3 o'clock. Candidates for the first year squad will be issued equipment at the Locker Building and are requested to report in uniform for the first meeting of the year. At 1 o'clock this afternoon there will be a gathering of all Freshmen who wish to compete for 1930 football managerial positions at the H. A. A.

Coach Casey, all-American backfield choice while at Harvard and former head coach at Tufts, succeeds T. J. Campbell '12, who resigned as Freshman football coach last year in order to enter business in Boston. The new first-year tutor expects the largest turn out of Freshman candidates in history to answer his call today, and will start immediately on a system of training similar to that carried out by the University squad. C. H. Bradford '26, guard on last year's University eleven will be in charge of the linemen this season along with Rufus Bond '16, and T. C. Campbell '10 will be special instructor of the ends.
