New Haven, Sept. 24,--The estate of H. W. Walker has made such slow progress in the construction of the new arena in this city that it is now evident that there is no chance of completing the building in time for the approaching hockey season.
Due to this situation, Yale has been compelled to abandon hockey for this winter, according to a statement made tonight by H. F. Woodcock, general manager of the Yale Athletic Association. It was concluded at a recent meeting attended by Laurence Noble, hockey captain; Herbert Walker, manager; E. S. Bronson, chairman of the graduate hockey committee; and Clarence Wanamaker, coach of hockey; that it would be usless to attempt another season of outside hockey competition without local practice because trips to New York, Princeton, Boston and other points for practice are detrimental to the players. Therefore, there will be no Freshman or University hockey games either at home or away this winter.
Woodcock has communicated these conditions to all of the teams on Yale's extensive hockey schedules asking for cancellation of all the games. The season gave promise of being one of the most interesting in the history of the sport at Yale with the completion of the new arena and it is with much regret that the Athletic Association and the hockey committee were forced to decide upon and announce the abandonment of this sport.
Very little is being done on the arena building at present, all of the construction work being suspended excepting the steel frame and trusses.
The Athletic Association had signed a lease with Walker for control of the plant for four months of each year for a period of 16 years and was to have taken possession November 18.
It is possible that arrangements may be made with Ray Bishop to operate an inter-class hockey league on his out-door Woodbridge rink, but under the circumstances this is the only possible activity which will be attempted in hockey at Yale this year.
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