

Preference Given Those Seeking All Four Years and Commission--Paid in Final Year

Official announcement of the program for the Naval R. O. T. C., which opens a branch in the University this fall, was made yesterday at the headquarters of the department in Memorial Hall. Under the provisions of the program, admission will be restricted to 50 Freshmen. Two years study in the Basic Course and two in the Advanced Course will lead to the rank of ensign in the United States Naval Reserve. The full official prospectus follows:

A branch of the United States Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps is opened at the University to offer the opportunity for students to acquire knowledge of the sea and to pursue studies and training necessary for an understanding of the Navy and the Naval profession. The character of instruction and trading aims to equip the student for important national service in his chosen field of interest and activity and in his capacity of an influential and responsible citizen. It further equips the student for an appointment as a commissioned officer in the United States Naval Reserve.

Congress Limits Numbers.

The limit of numbers who will be given the opportunity of the program of this Department is determined by Act of Congress. In the selection of the student for the program, preference will be given to students who wish to enroll for the complete program of four years' residence and study at the University and who would accept the commission in the Naval Reserve after qualifying. The opening of the program in the fall of 1926 will be restricted to about sixty students of the Freshman class in the College and Engineering School; these students must be citizens of the United States and must be over fourteen years of age.

Before enrollment in the program a satisfactory physical examination will be required. An annual physical examination, preferably at the beginning of the academic year, will be held for the enrolled students. Vaccinations for typhoid fever and smallpox are required before the student is admitted to a training camp or to a naval vessel for a cruise. These may be accepted at the time of the physical examination for enrollment in the program and may be made by the examining surgeon.


Students Enter "Harvard Unit."

Students enrolled in the program consist of members of a "Senior Division" of the Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps. The Senior Division is also a "Unit". The Unit at this University is termed "Harvard Naval Reserve Unit". Students in the Unit are termed "Naval Reserve Students", and also "Naval Reserve Freshmen", "Naval Reserve Sophomore", etc., according to class rating in the University.

The program is divided into two Courses, i.e., Basic Course and Advanced Course. The Basic Course consists of the first two years study in the Department of Naval Science and Tactics. The Advanced Course consists of the final two years in the Department. The Advanced Course is available only to students who have successfully completed the Basic Course. A Naval Training Certificate will be issued upon completion of each two years study, after the Basic Course and after the Advanced Course.

The successful completion of a year's work in either the Basic or Advanced Course will be given credit as a full course towards a degree given by the University. A Naval Reserve Student who completes two academic years in the Unit, who is selected for further training, who submits application for the Advanced Course, and who agrees to continue this Course and to attend one advanced camp or cruise will be, upon approval of the President of the University, admitted to the Advanced Course.

A Naval Reserve Student enrolled in the Advanced Course will receive, during the Academic years, junior and senior, of that Course, a subsistence allowance of approximately nine dollars per month. Payment of this subsistence for the vacation period between the junior and senior years will be made upon the commencement of the Academic year in the senior year of the Advanced Course.

Credit is Transferable.

Credit for Naval Training in the Advanced Course will be given students severing their relations with the University and joining another University which has an established Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps Unit, or rejoining at a later time this University. A student leaving the University automatically severs his connection with the Naval Reserve Officers' Tranng Corps and the University Naval Reserve Unit.

After the unit is fully organized an annual cruise will be held. Attendance at one advanced cruise is a requirement for Naval Reserve Students enrolled in the Advanced Course. Students enrolled in either the Basic or the Advanced Course will be permitted and authorized to attend each cruise and will receive transportation and subsistence for the criuse and pay during the cruise.

An appointment as Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, will be issued the Naval Reserve student who is qualified by his Naval Training Certificate in the Advanced Course and who applies for the Commission, is recommended, is over eighteen years of age, and completes one advanced cruise.
