


Red Top, Conn., June 7--The coaching launches for the second successive year having narrowly escaped shots from the over-vigilant coast-guard, who insist on mistaking them for rum-runners joined the crews here late last night to complete the training camp. As usual the Freshmen are established in their quarters near the boat house, while the University. Junior and Combination eights are on the hill.

All four crews left the boat house at 11.30 this morning for a light workout down to the Navy Yard and back. The line-up of the University eight remains unchanged from the shift made by Coach Haines last Friday. It is boated as follows: Stroke, Captain Winthrop; 7, Leavitt; 6, Darlington; 5, Platt; 4, Hubbard; 3, Saltonstall; 2, Ames; bow Barton; coxswain, Beer.

The Junior crew picked this morning by Coach Brown gave no further indication of the final seating in the second boat. The Junior squad here includes Watts. Barry, Weymer, Perkins, Howe, Canning, Pforzheimer, Gates, Walcott Huntington, Smith, Pendar, Riley, and Rice. The choice for a stroke seems to lie between Watts, Pendar, and Smith.

The Freshman eight, also in charge of Coach Haines, remained today in the same order in which it has rowed all season. The seating was: stroke, Captain Norton; Murchie, 7; Harrison, 6; Saum, 5; Clark, 4; Emmett, 3; Hamlen, 2; Laurence, bow.

Since final examinations will be in progress all this week, indications are that practice will be at irregular hours. Light workouts will probably be the order of the day again tomorrow.


News from Gales Ferry, where the Yale squad arrived yesterday afternoon, indicates that Peterson. University bow, who broke his wrist four weeks ago, may return to his old place for the race with Harvard. He is at Gales Ferry with the rest of the Blue oarsmen. Coach Leader arrived about ten o'clock from New Haven and an hour later called out the University. Freshman, and Combination eights for a short row.

The Junior crew left the boathouse after the University eight returned. As usual Harry Payne Whitney has placed his yacht Captiva, which is anchored off Gales Ferry, at the disposal of the crews during the entire training period. Today, because of the absence of the Yale coaching launches, two launches from the Captiva were used instead.
