Between 2 and 5 o'clock this afternoon, the first collection of old books for the Phillips Broks House Text Book Loan Library will be made, it was announced last night by J. C. Drier '28, Librarian of the Phillips Brooks House. The second collection of the annual spring drive will swing under way one week from today on June 11. The collections will be made by automobile.
The committee in charge expects to increase the number of books obtained to over 2000 copies. This year the Loan Library supplied 1560 text books to students at a charge of five cents each. The principal object of the drive is to obtain standard text books for college courses, although gifts of other books will be welcomed also.
The list of collectors published in a recent issue of the CRIMSON includes the names of representatives for each entry in all College dormitories, and the Committee urges that the men chosen as collectors be certain to canvass each room in the assigned territories. To facilitate the process of collection, members of the University who have old text books which they would like to donate to the Library, are asked to turn them in to the collector in their particular entry.