Although the University baseball team has won both the games that it played during the week, the batting averages for the individual players has shown a fall of almost 30 points during the past week as compared to the standing a week ago A week ago, the team average stood at 258, while the present figures stand at .237. In the fielding department, however, the nine has shown distinct improvement, two errorless games having served to raise the average of a week ago, .932, to its present high mark of the season, .939.
Burns, though his average has fallen 11 points since last week, still leads the Crimson stickmen with an average of 411, and promises to remain above the 400 mark for the remainder of the season. Captain Todd and Zarakov, his nearest rivals among the regulars, have been hitting consistently in the past two games, but not quite often enough to maintain their averages of a week ago. Todd is still ahead of the Harvard third baseman, but his hitting mark has shrunk from .367 to .351. Zarakov at present is meeting the ball for an average of .326, whereas a week ago he stood eight points higher at .333.
Todd now has undisputed possession of the base-stealing honors, his one theft during the past week sufficing to break the tie that existed among the Crimson leader, Sullivan, Jones, and Zarakov a week ago. Todd's total for the season to date stands at five.
By getting two hits to Todd's one during the Princeton and Brown games, Zarakov moved into a tie with Todd for the honor of having produced the most hits. Both men now have punched out 19 safe blows.
In the matter of two-base hits, Todd's double against Goeltz in the second Princeton game, brought his total up to two, and at the same time gained the Crimson captain a tie with Sullivan and Barbee as the team's leading double manufacturer. Two of these three men also share the crown for the most triples, Todd and Sullivan each having produced one of these blows to date.
No man on Coach Mitchell's squad has hit more than one circuit clout this spring. DeRham has now joined the select club of home run hitters, formerly including among its members only Burns, Sullivan, and Zarakov.