

Hasty Pudding, Beck Hall. Crimson and Others Give Spreads--Yard in Gala Attire for Festivities

The Stadium exercises this afternoon will come as a prelude to the spreads which will bedeck the lawns of Cambridge this evening. The Hasty Pudding Club, Beck Hall, the CRIMSON, the Phillips Brooks House, Phi Kappa Epsilon, Speakers' Club, K. G. X. Club, St. Paul's Catholic Club, Pi Eta Club, S. A. E. Club, Kappa Sigma Club, and several individuals will hold spreads at various parts of the University. The first three will be held at the Pudding club house, Beck Hall, and the Crimson Building respectively.

The CRIMSON spread will begin at 5 o'clock and last until 7. Dancing will later begin at 9 o'clock and will last until 3 o'clock. Mrs. Willard L. Bridges will be the head patroness and Boyle's Orchestra will supply the music.

The Phillips Brooks House spread will be held in the rear of Hollis Hall, instead of behind Holworthy Hall, where it was held last year. A record number have already bought tickets, and admission will be sold at the gates. The tickets cost $1.25, and only a very few are still to be had.

The music lasted until a late hour at the Senior Dance last night: the success of which augurs well for the gala Class Day program set for today. The Yard is in full raiment for the festivities to greet returning graduates, and Groundkeeper Dennis Enright reported last night that the Stadium award is in perfect condition for this afternoon's affairs.
