Tomorrow brings to Cambridge the Crown Prince of Sweden, whose visit to this country has caused almost as great a publicity campaign as the inauguration of a new cigarette. He will see the Sargent murals, the glass flowers, and have the unusual pleasure of seeing Harvard adorned with a few of those ornaments known to Revere Beach--band stands and wooden fountains. Certain of the idle poor will follow him about to see whether Governor Smith was right in saying that he would make a good president, weren't he a prince. And one more will be listed in the honorable roster of those potentates and prelates who have at some time or other come to Harvard.
That he is an excellent gentleman and worthy to meet the manager of the Giants as well as to ski in Scandinavia is beyond doubt. His democracy--something now supposed the special prerogative of princes--has made him beloved by his nation and feted by this. And in this feting there lurks a whimsical truth concerning the genus Americans, namely, that being good republicans they do like princes.
Spring is the most delightful season of the year at Cambridge. He will see sunshine and the smiles of those who have no more curricular worries to keep them sad. And he will, probably, being a prince and a gentleman, never write his impressions of Harvard. So in a spirit of good fellowship and a liking for princes, especially in uniforms, one can hope that Saturday will be as happy for the prince as for those whom he visits.
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