


The University polo squad, defending intercollegiate champions, will leave today for the Westchester-Biltmore Club, Rye, New York, to take part in the annual college tournament which will open Saturday. The Crimson mounts were shipped yesterday and will be in shape for the University squad to practice tomorrow and Friday.

The line-up of the title holders for the first match on Saturday against the Princeton riders, will be the same that defeated Dedham and which dropped two close decisions to the Myopia four last week. R. B. Burnett '28 at number one will be the only member of the Harvard quartet who was not a member of the team which captured the college title a year ago. Holden White '28, who occupied Burnett's berth last year, will be unable to compete in the first game, although it is probable that he will be back at his old position during the remainder of the tournament. Due to the loss of White, the line-up has been shifted with F. D. Stranahan '26 taking the place of Captain R. A. Pinkerton '27 at back and the Crimson leader going to the number three position. Alexander Shaw '28 will again be at number two in the line-up which takes the field against the Tigers.

Mayor James J. Walker of New York City has been invited to throw out the ball or the first tile which will be the Harvard-Princeton match, starting at 3 o'clock. The New York executive is an ardent polo fan and is expected to be on hand to open the tournament. Following the University's clash with the Nassau quartet, the West Point mallet men will take the field against the Pennsylvania Military College team. Officials of the Intercollegiate Polo "Association expect the coming tournament to draw the largest gathering of spectators that has ever witnessed a college match. The Intercollegiate event is the first important polo tournament of the outdoor season.

The clash with the Yale riders promises to be the stiffest competition which the University squad will encounter. Three members of the Eli quartet are veterans of the national indoor championship three or last winter. In recognition of their title winning achievements the indoor players were yesterday awarded major Y's.
