

Royal Visitor to Attend Reception of President Lowell--Yale Confers Honorary Degree

Gustavus Adolphus, Crown Prince of Sweden, and the Princess, his wife, will arrive in Boston Saturday morning and at 11 o'clock will motor to Cambridge for a two hour visit at the University. On his arrival he will be greeted at a reception to be given for him by President Lowell in the Faculty Room of University Hall. Following this gathering the royal visitor will pay shorts visits to the Stadium and the Freshman Halls and then will proceed to the Longfellow house on Brattle street where another reception will be held for him by the daughter of the Camb poet. Before returning to Fenway Court for luncheon, the Crown Prince will be escorted through Widener Library and through the Peabody Museum.

Will Tour Through West

The prince and his party will complete their tour of the eastern and New England states with their two day visit of Boston. On the day following his visit to the University the heir to the Swedish throne will take the train for Detroit via Niagara Falls, and will continue on through the middle and far western states. The most important engagement of the prince on the day following his visit to Cambridge, will be his attendance at the festival and reception to be given by the Swedish Old People's Home in West Newton Carl W. Johansson, the Swedish Consul in Boston, will preside at this meeting and the prince is expected to give an address in his native language.

Was Entertained on Corsair

Yesterday Prince Gustavus Adolphus left New York for his first visit to Yale University in New Haven. The royal party arrived on Mr. J. P. Morgan's yacht Corsair, and were entertained by President and Mrs. Angell at tea prior to a tour of the university including a trip to the Yale Field where the Prince was introduced to the members of the Yale baseball team. At 8.30 o'clock last night a special convocation was held, the fourth in the history of Yale University, and President Angell conferred an honorary degree of doctor of laws on the Swedish Crown Prince. This honor had previously been accorded only to Cardial Mercier, Lord Kelvin, and Marshal Foch. The prince addressed the audience in Woolsey Hall after receiving the honor. Previous to the award conferred by the Yale authorities last night, the Crown Prince had received a similar degree at Princeton University.


Makes Inspection of M.I.T.

Before arriving at the University' Saturday morning. Prince Gustavus Adolphus will make a short tour of inspection at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. On his return to Boston in the afternoon he will be shown the Boston Museum of Fine Arts and later will be conducted to the Somerset Country Club for a view of the races. Late in the same afternoon he will leave Boston by yacht for Pride's Crossing, where he will spend the night.

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