
Schedule in Full of Final Examinations Which Start Tomorrow And Continue Until June 18

The following is the final examination schedule as announced by the University office on March 19. Daily exercises in all courses will end tomorrow. All examinations except those especially noted will begin at 9.15 o'clock and will last three hours. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2 (X) 3 O'clock Military Science 1 Secs. 1, 2, 3, Major Wogen  Memorial Hall Secs. 4, 5, 6, Major Daly  New Lect. Hall Military Science 2 Secs. 1, 2  Emerson J. Secs. 3, 4  Emerson D Military Science 3  New Lect. Hall Military Science 4  Emerson D THURSDAY, JUNE 3 (XIV) Celtic 3hf  Sever 18 Chemistry 7  Emerson J Chemistry 14a hf  Emerson F Chinese 3  Emerson F Comp. Literature 10  Harvard 5 Comp. Literature 11  Harvard 5, 6 English 35a  Emerson D   Memorial Hall English 76  Harvard 2 French 10  Sever 5 Geology 12  Geol. Mus. 40 Government 13b  Emerson F Government 17b  Sever 36 Greek G. Sec. II  Sever 30 Greek 15b  Sever 30 History 18  Sever 17 History of Religions 1  Harvard 2 Latin B Sec. III  Sever 18 Mathematics 10b  Sever 6 Music 4d  Sever 30 Paleontology 8  Zool. Mus. 17 Philosophy 3b  Emerson J Philosophy 4a  Emerson J Physics C  New Lect. Hall Physics 3b  Emerson A, D Scandinavian 1  Sever 6 Slavic 1a  Sever 6 Slavic 1b  Sever 6 2 O'clock Anthropology 2  Harvard 5 History 56  Harvard 5 Mathematics 11  Harvard 5 Zoology 15  Zool. Lab. FRIDAY, JUNE 4 (VI) Botany 6a  New Lect. Hall Engin. Sciences 7b  Pierce 307 French 3  Memorial Hall French 25  New Lect. Hall History 10b  New Lect. Hall Psychology 26  Psychopathic Hosp. 2 O'clock (XV) Chemistry 22  Emerson A. F History 41  Emerson J Italian 1  Emerson J Social Ethics 30  Emerson J SATURDAY, JUNE 5 (XIII) Astronomy 2b  Astron. Lab. Botany 5a  Botan. Mus. 28 Chemistry 8  Sever 17, 18, 20 Chemistry 33  Sever 8, 11 Class. Philol. '54  Sever 30 Comp. Literature 6b  Sever 35, 36 Economics A Mr. Bigelow, M. U.  New Lect. Hall Dr. Bober, I, N, V  New Lect. Hall Mr. Chamberlin, C. F. O.  New Lect. Hall Mr. Epstein, B, D. K. P.  New Lect. Hall Mr. Kreps, G. Q. W.  Memorial Hall Dr. Mason, L. R.  Memorial Hall Mr. Opie, J. S.  Memorial Hall Mr. Taylor, R. H. T.  Memorial Hall Economics 4b  Harvard 2, 5, 6 English 40  Sever 6 Fine Arts 1a  Fogg Lect. Rm. Fine Arts 2b  Fogg Small Rm. German 8  Emerson D German 25b  Emerson D Government 4  Sever 29 Greek B Sec. II  Sever 30 History 1a  Emerson A, F History 7  Emerson J History 13b  Sem. Mus. 1 History 14  Geol. Lect. Rm. Italian 10  Harvard 2 Mathematics C Sec. V  Sever 6 Mathematics 19  Sever 30 Mineralogy 12  Mineral Lab. Philosophy 9  Emerson A Physics 13  Sever 6 Physics 16a  Sever 5 Psychology 22  Emerson F Spanish 8  Sever 5 MONDAY, JUNE 7 (XVI) Botany 10  Gray Herb. Economics 34  Memorial Hall Engin. Sciences 3b  Robinson Hall French 30  Memorial Hall Government 2b  Memorial Hall Government 23  Memorial Hall History 5a  Memorial Hall Indic Philology 9  Memorial Hall Mathematics 27  Memorial Hall Music 1  Glee Club Rm. Philosophy 15  Emerson D Psychology 10  Emerson D Zoology 7a  Emerson D Zoology 7c  Emerson D 2 O'clock (IX) Chemistry 4  Emerson D Economics 31  Emerson D English 39  Emerson J Fine Arts 14e  Emerson D French 22hf  Emerson D History 23b  Emerson D Indic Philology 8  Emerson D TUESDAY, JUNE 8 (IV) Anthropology 11  Peabody Mus. Chemistry A  New Lect. Hall Chemistry 3b  New Lect. Hall Chemistry 21  Sem. Mus. 1 Chinese 2  Sem. Mus. 1 Economics 14  Sem. Mus. 1 Economics 36  Emerson D English 3b  Sever 36 English 11b  Harvard 2 English 26  Sever 35 English 29b  Emerson D Fine Arts 1d  Fogg Lect. Rm.   Harvard 1   Sever 11 Fine Arts 2f  Robinson Hall Geology 14  Emerson J German 1b  Harvard 5 German 5  Emerson J German 7  Sever 29 History 8  Sever 5 History 24b  Sem Mus. 1 History 32b  Memorial Hall Latin B. Sec. I, II  Sever 17, 18 Latin 1  Sever 23 Mathematics 2 Sec. II  Harvard 6 Mathematics 5b  Harvard 5 Meteorology 5  Geol. Mus. 43 Philosophy 14b  Emerson J Physics 5  Sem. Mus. 1 Semitic 13  Sem. Mus. 1 Spanish 5  Emerson J 2 O'clock French A  New Lect. Hall French I French II History 60 WERDNESDAY, JUNE 9 (V) Anthropology A  New Lect. Hall Anthropology 17  Sever 30 Chemistry 6  Memorial Hall Economics 8  New Lect. Hall Economics 10b  New Lect. Hall English 14  Sever 5 English 52  Sever 17, 18 Fine Arts 3a  Robinson Hall Fine Arts 5d  Fogg Lect. Rm. French B  Harvard 2 French 17  Harvard 5 Geology 5  Geol. Lect. Rm   Sem. Mus. 1 Geology 10  Foxcroft German 2 Sec. III, IV  Sever 35 German 26b  Emerson J Government 7b  New Lect. Hall Greek A  Sever 30 Greek 12  Sever 30 History 30b  Harvard 5, 6 History of Religions 3  Sever 30 Mathematics 13  Harvard 2 Music 3  Sever 11 Philosophy 5  Emerson D Philosophy 6b  Emerson J Philosophy 19b  Emerson D Physics B  Memorial Hall Physics 17b  Memorial Hall Physics 21  New Lect. Hall Semitic 14  Sever 17 2 O'clock English 72  New Lect Hall   Memorial Hall THURSDAY, JUNE 10 (XVII) Comp. Literature 4  Emerson A Comp. Literature 29  Emerson J Fine Arts 17  Fogg Lect. Rm. French 2 Mr. Chalufour, Sect. 17  Memorial Hall Mr. Colby, Sects. 9  Memorial Hall Mr. Constans, Sects. 10, 12  New Lect. Hall Mr. Lincoln, Sect. 2  Memorial Hall Mr. Loss, Sects. 13, 16  Memorial Hall Mr. Merlino, Sect. 15  New Lect Hall Mr. Miller, Sect. 1  New Lect Hall Mr. Mitrani, Sect. 6  New Lect. Hall Mr. Pillionnel, Sects. 5, 11  New Lect Hall Mr. Raiche, Sect. 3  Memorial Hall Mr. Rouillard, Sects. 4, 5  New Lect. Hall Mr. Saintonge, Sect. 14  Emerson D Mr. Turgeon, Sect. 7  Emerson D French 26  Emerson A Geology 11  Foxcroft History 62  Emerson A Social Ethics 15  Emerson ASocial Ethics 28  Emerson A2 O'clock (I)Economics 11  Emerson DFine Arts 4a  Robinson HallGeology 18b  Emerson DGovernment 6b  Emerson DFRIDAY, JUNE 11 (II)Anthropology 1  Sever 11Chemistry 15  Harvard 5Chemistry 17  Harvard 2Chemistry 19  Sever 23Economics 5  Harvard 6Economics 41  Harvard 2English 1  Sever 5, 6, 7, 8Fine Arts 1f  Robinson HallFine Arts 2c  Fogg Lect. Rm.Geology 17  Emerson DGerman 1a Sec. I, II  Sever 35German 21  Sever 23Government 19b  Sever 17History B  Harvard 2History 1Mr. Cram, Sects. 1, 18 and conf. sect.  Memorial HallMr. Gratwick, Sect. 9 and conf. sect.  Memorial HallMr. Graves, Sects. 2, 17 and conf. sect.  Geol. Lect. Rm.Mr. Hopper, Sects. 7, 10 and conf. sect.  Emerson DMr. Kates, Sects. 3, 14 and conf. sect.  New Lect. HallMr. Parkman, Sects. 8, 11 and conf. sect.  New Lect. HallMr. Pickman, Sect. 12 and conf. sect.  Sem. Mus. 1Mr. Russell, Sects. 4, 15 and conf. sect.  New Lect. HallMr. Salmon, Sects. 6, 13 and conf. sect.  New Lect. HallMr. Taylor, Sects. 5, 16 and conf. sect.  Memorial HallHistory 3b  Sever 29Hygiene 1  Sever 30Hygiene 2  Harvard 6Italian 2  Sever 24Latin 8  Sever 18Mathematics A Sec. 1  Sever 36Mathematics 7  Sever 18Mathematics 18  Sever 23Music 2  Sever 23Philosophy 1a  Emerson A, F, JPsychology 21a  Emerson 21Semitic 9b  Sever 23Social Ethics 9  Emerson JSocial Ethics 26  Emerson J2 O'clockEnglish 8  New Lect. HallMathematics 2 Sec. 1  New Lect. HallSATURDAY, JUNE 12 (III)Anthropology 5b  Sever 18Astronomy 1  Emerson D, FBotany 7  Gray Herb.Economics 7b  Memorial HallEnglish 2  Harvard 2, 5, 6Fine Arts 2d  Fogg Small Rm.French 9  Emerson D, JGeography 7  Geol. Lect. Rm.Geology 13  FoxcroftGerman 1a Sec. III, IV  Sever 5, 6German 2, Sec. I, II  Sever 11German 3b  Sever 17German 12b  Sever 23Greek B Sec. I  Sever 30Latin 12  Sever 18Mathematics A. Sec. 2Prof. Beatley, Sect. 1  Sever 20, 24Mr. Garabedian, Sect. 2  Sever 29Mr. Stabler, Sect. 3  Sever 17Mathematics C Sec. IProf. Huntington, Sect. 1  Sever 32, 36Mr. Marden, Sect. 2  Sever 35Mathematics 4  Harvard 3Mathematics 8  Sever 30Mathematics 9  Emerson JMeteorology 2  Geol. Lect. Rm.Mineralogy 2  Mineral Lab.Music 6  New Lect. HallPhilosophy A  New Lect. Hall  Memorial HallPhysics 15  Geol. Lect. Rm.Semitic 1  Sever 23Semitic 6  Andover CSemitic 17  Sever 23Social Ethics 6  Emerson AZoology 5  Geol. Lect. Rm.MONDAY, JUNE 14 (XII)Anthropology 14  Sem. Mus. 1Astronomy 2a  Sem. Mus. 1Botany 5b  Botan. Mus.Chemistry 11  Sever 11Chinese 1  Emerson ACloss, Philology 50  Sever 25Economics 1b  Emerson DEconomics 38  Sever 35Engin, Sciences 5b  Pierce 302, 307English 28  New Lect. HallEnglish 75  Sever 30Fine Arts 2a  Fogg Lect. Rm.French 6  Memorial HallGerman 14  Emerson AGovernment 14b  Sem. Mus. 1Greek 2  Sever 30History 12  Harvard 3, 6History 17b  Sever 5, 6History of Science 1  Sever 6Mathematics A Sec. VProf. Coolidge, Sect. 1  Sever 36Mr. Jenkins, Sect. 2  Sever 32Mathematics C Sec. IV  Harvard 2Mathematics 3  Harvard 5Music 4  Pierian Rm.  Glee Club Rm.Paleontology 1  Geol. Lect. Rm.Philosophy 18  Emerson APhysics 2b  Harvard 5Romance Philology 3  Sever 23Social Ethics 1b  Emerson J2 O'clockBiology 1  New Lect. HallEnglish 33  Harvard 6TUESDAY, JUNE 15 (XVIII)Engin. Sciences 3  Pierce 302, 307French 28a hf  Harvard 5German B  Harvard 5Mineralogy 15  Mineral Lab.Physics 14  Harvard 52 O'clockSpanish 1  New Lect. HallWEDNESDAY, JUNE 16 (XI)Chemistry 5  Sever 17Education B  Sever 5, 6English 41  Sever 11  Emerson A, F, D  Fogg Lect. Rm.Fine Arts 15b  Fogg Small Rm.French 15  Sever 23German 1c  Emerson JGerman 4  Sever 24Government 1Mr. McFarlane, Sects C1, C2, C3, C4  Memorial HallMr. Farbach, Sects. F1, F2, F3, F4,  Memorial HallMr. Gregory, Sects. G1, G2, G3, G4  New Lect. HallMr. Hulse, Sects. H1, H2, H3, H4  New Lect. HallMr. Mitchell, Sects. M1, M2, M3, M4  New Lect. HallGreek G Sec. I  Sever 29, 30Greek 8  Sever 30History 11  Harvard 2, 6History 36  Sever 30History 55  Sever 36Italian 3  Geol. Lect. Rm.Mathematics C Sec. III  Harvard 5Mathematics 2 Sec. III  Harvard 3Mathematics 29  Sever 23Music 1a  Music Bldg. 4Music 4c  Sever 30Philosophy 8b  Emerson JPhysics 4b  Geol. Lect. Rm.Psychology 10a  Emerson JSpanish 2  Harvard 2Zoology 3  Geol. Lect. Rm.2 O'clockEconomics 2  Emerson DMathematics A Sec. IV  Harvard 6Romance Philology 5hf  Harvard 6Social Ethics 8b  Emerson JTHURSDAY, JUNE 17 (VII)Anthropology 16  Emerson JChemistry 44  New Lect. HallEconomics 3  Memorial HallEnglish 16  New Lect. HallFrench 5'  Emerson JGerman H  New Lect. HallLatin A  Sever 17, 18Mathematics C Sec. II  Sever 18Mathematics D  Memorial HallPhysiology 1  New Lect. HallPsychology A  Emerson A, D, FPsychology 5  Emerson JSocial Ethics 27  Emerson JZoology 6b  New Lect. HallFRIDAY, JUNE 18 (VIII)Chemistry 9  Memorial HallEnglish 4  Emerson AFine Arts 14a  Fogg Lect. Rm.German AProf. Bierwirth, Sects. 10, 14  Memorial HallMr. Bennett, Sect. 11  Memorial HallMr. Buckingham, Sects. 13, 18  Memorial HallMr. Evans, Sects. 7, 22  Memorial HallMr. Guerkink, Sects. 2, 6  New Lect. HallDr. Heffner, Sects. 1, 21, 23  New Lect. HallDr. Herrick, Sects. 5, 12, 16  New Lect. HallDr. Howe, Sect. 19  Memorial HallMr. Pfund, Sect. 20  New Lect. HallMr. Provine, Sects. 4, 15  New Lect. HallDr. Silz, Sects. 8, 17  Emerson DDr. Stevens, Sects. 3, 9  Emerson DDr. von Oy, Sect. 24  Emerson DGerman C  Emerson JPhilosophy 12b  Emerson JSocial Ethics 3  Emerson
