The University golfers defeated Yale in their final match of the season at Providence yesterday afternoon by a one match margin of 5 to 4. Most of the matches were closely contested and the result was in doubt until the last ball was holed out.
After dividing the individual contests at three all the Crimson club-wielders showed unexpected power in the foursomes and took two of the three matches to down the Elis.
The summary:
Stimpson (H.), defeated Wattles (Y.), 5 and 3; Barnum (H.) defeated Flynn (Y.), 4 and 3; Harvard (Y.) defeated Morrill (H.), 4 and 3; Parker (Y.) defeated Hutchinson (H.), 1 and 3; Stoddard (Y.) defeated Parker (H.), 7 and 5; Keene (H.) defeated Lanman (Y.), 7 and 6.
Wattles and Flynn (Y.) defeated Stimpson and Barnum (H.), 1 up; Morritt and Hutchinson (H.) defeated Haviland and Parker, (Y.) 1 up (19 holes): Parker and Cole (H.) defeated Stoddard and Lanman (Y.), 4 and 2.
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