

Funeral Services Will Be Conducted in Appleton Chapel--Dr. Peabody to Officiate

Dr. Edward Hickling Bradford '69, former Dean of the Medical School and for many years one of Boston's leading surgeons, died suddenly yesterday afternoon, probably of heartfailure. He was stricken without warning while walking in Boston.

Dr. Bradford was 78 years old. Since 1881 he had been connected with the faculty of Harvard University. He was an instructor from 1886 to 1893, and in 1903 was made professor of orthopedic surgery. In June, 1912, he was made Dean of the Medical School, and served in that position for six years. As Dean he brought me Medical School to new heights of prestige in the medical world, bringing it to the high place it holds today.

Dr. Bradford was a member of many medical associations, and was one of the best known medical men in the country. He is survived by his wife, a daughter, and three sons, R. T. Bradford '23, C. H. Bradford '26, and E. H. Bradford '26.

Funeral services will be held on Monday in Appleton Chapel.

Dr. Francis G. Peabody '69, a classmate of Dr. Bradford's, will conduct the services.
