Although the metropolitan press has in some instances read into the reports of the Officers and Committees of the Associated Harvard Clubs, issued as a supplement to the current issue of the Alumni Bulletin, various and sundry sensational meanings, there is no reason to understand these reports as other than same and satisfying commentaries on the activities of the University. For none can find any gross departure from the level of understanding and appreciative critical of existing conditions, criticism in which there is much of praise and little if any blame.
What blame there is, if one wishes to attach that name to the criticisms of over emphasis on indifference, centers on the laisser faire policy of certain undergraduates and alumni toward men now enlisted in the preparatory schools. There is evidently a feeling that more effort on the part of the Associated Clubs might help Harvard to obtain a more representative group of students.
Of course the present necessity for restricting entrants rather proves that the Committee on Admissions has a sufficiently large number of men from whom to select those best fitted to enjoy and appreciate Harvard. But to admit that any status quo is altogether satisfactory is to admit inertia. So the efforts of the Associated Clubs to assist the college in picking men from the particular community most suited to Harvard tradition and Harvard life cannot be other than commendable. Yet these suggestions are certainly not proof, the metropolitan press to the contrary notwithstanding, that the Reports just published in any way concern sensational adverse criticism of the present Harvard system.
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