

Ballot to Be Conducted by Crimson in Federation Move--Professors to Have Postcard Vote

A poll to determine the opinion of Harvard students and Harvard faculty members on the question of prohibition will be conducted by the CRIMSON on Monday, May 10. Every member of the University Faculty, and all graduates and undergraduates will be given an opportunity to vote for repeal, for modification, or for status quo. At the same time the University Faculty and undergraduates will be queried on two of the main suggestions advocated by the Student Council Committee on Education in its recently published report.

The prohibition poll, which will be held in connection with the Student Federation investigation of the question in all the colleges and universities of the country, will be similar to the one held in January, 1924, by the CRIMSON. Voters in the present polls will not be reminded of the result of the one two years ago until after May 10.

Postcards to Go to Faculty

The return postcard system will be employed in determining the vote of the more than 700 odd members of the Faculty. Cards will be mailed to them the early part of next week and should be returned to the CRIMSON not later than Saturday evening, May 8. No names will be published in connection with the faculty vote, and all ballots will be destroyed after the total result is recorded.

Voting will be held in the Crimson Building, and Sever, Harvard, and Smith Halls for the undergraduate body; in Langdell and Austin Halls, and the Administrative Building of the Medical School for graduate students. The polls will be open from 9 until 3 o'clock, an early closing being necessary in order that the votes may be counted and the results announced the following morning.


Vote to Be Taken by Schools

The votes of the College, Faculty, Law School, and Medical School will be kept distinct from each other. The votes of other graduate schools will be recorded under one total. In order to facilitate this distinction white ballots will be used for undergraduates, yellow ones for Law students, blue for Medical students, and red for members of the other graduate schools. The Faculty vote will be distinguished by the use of postal ballots.

The following will be the wording for the prohibition questionnaire:

1. Do you favor the repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment?

2. Do you favor the modification of the Volstead Act to permit the sale of light wines and beer?

3. Do you favor the Prohibition Amendment as it stands?

It must be understood in answering the third question that the problem of enforcement cannot be considered. It will be assumed that those who vote in the affirmative will do so with the understanding that the amendment will be enforced.

The many details entailed in the report of the Student Council Committee on Education make it difficult to word questions to be answered by "yes" and "no" satisfactorily. The CRIMSON, therefore, in its two queries to the College Faculty and undergraduates, will endeavor to avoid the consideration of details which would have to be discussed before the suggestions of the committee could be adopted. The CRIMSON questionnaire will emphasize the phrase "in principle". The questions follow:

1. Do you favor in principle the division of Harvard College into smaller colleges?

2. Do you favor in principle the idea of holding general examinations for distinction candidates at the end of the Junior year?
