Adjusting the newcomer to the college environment is a task not to be attempted in a spirit of levity. Harvard long ago abandoned the jocose practicality which often serves to initiate the Freshman. In place of practical humor was set up a system of more subtle wit the institution of Senior advisers. Some of these sages by proxy attended to their duties conscientiously, a numerous section did not. Too often the audience was treated to a handshake, a hurried call, and a request to drop around some time.
The reorganization just completed by a committee of the Student Council is aimed to meet the more obvious objections to the old system. On the theory that Seniors are too much concerned with divisionals, the student advisers of next year have been selected wholly from the classes of 1928 and 1929. And their number has been restricted in an attempt to make appointment an honor.
Whether the new arrangement is workable depends wholly on the calibre of the men selected. When faced with the task of guiding a dozen Freshmen through the perils of their first weeks in college, the honor of being on a committee of seventy may soon evaporate. But there remains an opportunity for service not everywhere available. The older student has an invaluable store of experience in undergraduate problems, the selection of courses or of activities. If he cares to be generous with his time, he may have the satisfaction of seeing his wards piloted to the haven of sophisticated security.
There must certainly be 70 men in the Sophomore and Junior classes of next year who are both able and willing to undertake the work of advisers. And one hopes that the Student Council Committee has selected them.