According to the statement of the Red Book Committee last night the 1929 edition promises to be a decided financial success. The book, which is the largest ever published, also contains an unusually large amount of advertising.
The mark of 65 pages set this year has been surpassed only once, and is about 30 pages ahead of the number of pages of advertising secured last year.
Although the amount received from the advertising is not sufficient to cover the cost of publication, and the deficits incurred in one or two of the departments, enough subscriptions have already been secured to insure the book's being a financial success without counting on what copies may be sold later. Last year the rain at the Jubilee cut down the sale of copies so much that the book showed a deficit of several hundred dollars.
Books to Reach Here Thursday
The 1929 Red Books will reach Cambridge Thursday night and be ready for distribution on Friday. The janitor's room in either Gore or Standish Hall will be taken over for the delivery of books to subscribers during the day and then a large number of copies will go on sale at the Jubilee that night. A novelty which the Committee has instituted this year is the engraving of the names of certain subscribers in their books. The name of each member of the Freshman Executive Committee, the Red Book Committee, and the Dormitory Committees will be engraved in gold letters in his copy of the Red Book.
Nine hundred and ten copies are being printed, and since less than 600 subscriptions have been received so far there will be an opportunity for any one who wishes to obtain a copy.
Last Friday night 40 members of the Red Book board held a dinner at During Parks, which marked the completion of the work on the make-up of the book
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