
Pops Program for Tonight

The, program for the Pops concert which begins at 8.15 tonight, is as follows: Stars and Stripes Forever  Sousa Overture to "Morning, Noon, and Night"  Suppe Lotus Land  Scott Fantasla from "I Pagliacci"  Leoncavallo Suite "Peer Gynt"  Grieg a. A. Morning Mood b. Anitra's Dance c. In the Troll King's Grotto Music Box  Liadov Deep River  Burleigh--Jacchia Ride of the Valkyries  Wagner The Student Vagabond  Jimmie Selection, "The Vagabond King"  Friml Waltz, "Jolly Fellows"  Vollstedt Ouverture Solennelle, "1812"  Tchaikovasky
