

Approaching summer has already suggested to the emotional that a young man's fancy should turn--and not lightly--toward thoughts of higher things than the mundane meanderings of the college year. So Northfield and its ilk again call the serious to the saw dust and the star dust of moral and spiritual reform.

How much good any of these meetings does is doubtful, if one expects that a renascence of religious fervor is to spring forth from the hearts of those who wend their way to Northfield or to Lake George or any other of the collegiate Chautauquas. Of course they do afford pleasant rendezvous with other brightened and enlightened who can spend holiday hours hearing inferior lectures which they would cut were they given at college. So perhaps they are quite necessary. At least they do keep the Billy Sunday tradition vital in the college world and give many a young wall flower the chance to escape her destiny of being born to bloom unseen.
