
Announce Full List of Officials for I.C.A.A.A.A. Track and Field Championships Slated for Next Friday and Saturday

Many Former Stars Are Prominent Among Officials--Garcelon Will Act as Chief Judge at Finish

To the list of leading officials for the Intercollegiate Amateur Athletic Association of America track and field championships, which are to be held in Cambridge next Friday and Saturday, a large number of minor officials has been added.

The three men who will be in charge of the meet and some of their assistants were announced in yesterday's CRIMSON. Now follows a complete list of those who will direct the various events in the capacities of timers, judges, and measurers.

Many Officials Were Stars

A great many of the names are those of men who were formerly star performers in intercollegiate meets themselves. W. F. Garcelon, L. '94, a former hurdler at the University, will serve in the capacity of chief judge at the finish of the races.

Other former Crimson track stars who are among the officials are W. A. Schlick '05, for four years winner of both sprints against Yale, who will be one of the timers; Walter Tufts, an H man in 1913, who will measure the discus tosses; and W. J. Bingham '16, who for two years forced the great Ted Meredith to new intercollegiate records in the half mile.


The list of officials who have not been announced before follows:

Chief Judge at Finish: William F. Garcelon, Harvard. Judges at Finish: W. J. Bingham '16, Rupert B. Thomas, Princeton; Louis C. Madeira, Pennsylvania; John T. Kilpatrick, Yale; William C. Prout, Brown; J. T. Mahoney, C.C. N. Y. Starters: John J. McHugh, P. S. A. L. N. Y., Hugh C. McGrath, Boston. Chief Timer. Mortimer Bishop, New York University, Timers: Charles J. Dieges, N. Y. A. C., George L. Moylan, Harvard; Charles A. S. Hatfield, Fordham; William A. Schick '05, Harvard.

Under Director of Field Events Kennedy, the following will serve: Pole Vault: A. C. Gilbert, Yale; Judge: Mark S. Wright, Dartmouth, Measurer. Throwing the Javelin: Allan Winter Rowe, M. I. T., Judge; James A. Leyden, Penn State, and Leslie H. Simons, Princeton, Measurers. Throwing the Discus: Walter Tufts, Harvard, Judge; J. E. Hickley, Brown, Measurer. Putting, the 16 Ib. Shot: E. L. Hopkins, B. A. A., Judge; J. R. Truesdale, Princeton, and J. B. Mulford, Pennsylvania, Measurers. High Jump: Wesley Aler, Yale, Judge; Barrett Smith, Cornell, and Rush M. Hoag, Michigan, Measurers. Throwing the Hammer; F. X. McGrath, B. A. A., Judge; H. F. Barker, Princeton, and N. Shennan, Dartmouth, Measurers. Broad Jump: Ralph Gamble, Princeton, Judge; C. D. Wadsworth, Williams, and A. C. Kraenzlein, Pennsylvania, Measurers. Inspectors of Implements: George V. Brown an T. J. Kannally, both of the B. A. A.
