

Bridge, under the stimulus of new rules and radio publicity, is even more to the fore than usual. In college and out, enthusiasts have been busy rehearsing novel penalties and strange scorings. In a haze of numerals, one pregnant sentence of Work and Whitehead's book may easily be overlooked:--"Offenses against the etiquette of the game are unpardonable.

Everyone knows some vocal dummy who persists in giving damaging evidence to his partner and likewise the demon bidder who whispers optional auctions before finally declaring.

Granting the necessity of an open season on such players, there yet exists a certain lure in conversational bridge. A judicious phrase, a word here and there when not carried to the extreme of actual information, often turns a dull hand into a delightful bluff. A finesse is transformed from a mere mathematical chance to a palpitating affair of flesh and blood. While the game still retains its intelligent halo, the human factor which makes poker endurable is also added.

With the exercise of suitable restraint, this addition serves to flavor the unalterable ace with the salt of humanity. Conversation has indeed its place even at that temple of silence,--the bridge table.
