

Professor of Tropical Medicine Gives Further Details of Trek--Liberia Is First Objective

"The purpose of the expedition which is leaving shortly for Africa is to study the diseases of the men, animals, and plants in the parts we explore," said Dr. R. P. Strong yesterday in an interview with the CRIMSON on the expedition to Siberia and Central Africa which he is leading. Dr. Strong, who is Professor of Tropical Medicine at the Harvard Medical School, has carried on investigation of tropical discases in several parts of the world.

To Study Men and Plants

"The Present expedition is of much the same nature as the one I accompanied in the region of the Amazon last year, except that its scope is more comprehensive. We are going to study and collect specimens of plants and animals as well as investigate the diseases of the native human beings. We have a couple of zoologists and a botanist in the party to carry on their side of the work.

"The trip takes up first to Liberia where we will go into the practically unexplored interior. We are counting on the friendly influence of the chief of one of the interior tribes, who is a Harvard graduate, to aid us in carrying on our work among a people who are usually bostile to foreigners.

Will Observe Sleeping Sickness


"After leaving Liberia we go south along the coast of Africa and strike in to the interior of the continent along the Congo river. This is the region where sleeping sickness is prevalent, and will thus be a field of particular interest to us.

"A little more than half way through the continent we take a long trip on foot to the north and then proceed east north of Victoria Nyanza, finally coming out on the coast at Monabassa.

"The whole distance is about equal to that between New York and San Francisco, and with the slow going which a large train necessitates will take several months."
