The entrance of 46 schools and almost 100 individuals in the Harvard Interscholastic Track meet on Saturday was announced last right by F. T. Gibson '26, manager of this year's meet.
These figures are complete since the entries closed Monday evening. Largely due to the efforts of Manager Gibson to secure the participation of a large number of small schools, the entry this spring is the largest on record.
From the point of view of the number of contenders entered the leading schools are Andover, Exeter, Cambridge Latin, Lowell High, Medford High, Milton, and Woourn. Andover, with an unusually strong aggregation of athletes, is favored to repeat its victory of the last three years. Exeter, always a dangerous contender, does not seem in a position to threaten the Blue's supremacy on Saturday.
The feature of the meet is the entrance of a team of 9 picked men from Culver Academy. Culver is one of the track strongholds of the Middle West, having won the Chicago University Interscholasties last year and all its meets so far this spring. Although the Culver team does not expect to carry off the honors in Saturday's meet on account of its small number, the nine athletes hope to prove their individuals worth.
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